Payment options

Payment can be made with:

- Credit card or debit card

- PayPal

- After Pay

- Bank transfer

- Afterpay

If you need an invoice, please shop as normally and select 'bank transfer' at checkout and then email us to request an invoice for that order. We will get back to you as soon as possible.


Buy Now, Pay Later

Due to high demand we have now set up Afterpay! However, we are still more than happy to offer traditional layby.

To set up a layby:

- Shop in the bookshop as per usual

- At checkout, select 'Bank transfer'

- Email us as soon as possible at and ask to set up a layby for that order.

We will email you an invoice which you can pay off in instalments :)

Please note - we require the first 25% of the cost upfront to set up a layby and hold your books aside.