Ko wai mātou

Ko Whakatere te maunga

Ko Waimā te awa

Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka

Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi

Ko Te Māhurehure te hapū

Ko Tuhirangi te marae

Tēnā tātou!


Kia ora! Behind Te Reo Māori Bookshop is a whānau of 4. Māmā works in language revitalisation, Pāpā is a teacher, and our two tamariki are in kōhanga reo and kura kaupapa Māori. We have been learning te reo Māori since 2015, and pukapuka tamariki have been a big part of our journey.

There has been a huge boom in te reo Māori publishing in the last few years, but it can be hard to know what's out there and which books best suit your whānau needs. The books that best suit a whānau of beginners are usually quite different from those that suit proficient speakers - and most of us sit somewhere in between!

And so in 2021 the idea for Te Reo Māori Bookshop was born, which led me to apply for funding from Te Mātāwai. I was incredibly grateful to receive pūtea tautoko from them which allowed me to open up and support your whānau language plans.

We run this bookshop without a profit motive because language revitalisation is important to us. We just want to get more te reo into more homes!

Giving back to the community is an important part of our mahi. If you have a fundraiser or a kaupapa reo needing tautoko, reach out. kiaora@tereomaoribookshop.com